Sunday 23 February 2014

Good Reads

I am an avid reader, I have been since I was a little girl. I love crawling into bed early at night and tucking up with a great book. I spend a lot of time reading waiting for the school gates to open each afternoon and my favourite holiday, is a beach holiday where I can lay by the pool and read and read and read. 

I'm always storing away ideas of what my dream house will look like when we eventually move back home, without doubt it will come equipped with some kind of library and cosy reading area.

Late last year, a group of us girls got together and started a book club. We meet once a month over dinner, and generally talk about the chosen book for about 5 minutes before spending the next couple of hours chit chatting away. What I love about Book Clubs is that you tend to read books that perhaps you'd never think to pick up and sometimes those books turn out to be some of the best things you've read. 

Some of the books I've been reading lately and loved!

What have you been reading lately?


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