Tuesday 7 January 2014

She's Back...Again!

So it's been a little over 2 years since I last blogged. A lot has happened. I'm still in Doha, I'm still the mother of a gorgeous little girl and I still love cooking, fashion and home interior.

I started a uni degree, then I quit, then I took it up again and then I quit...see a pattern here?

I'm glad I started my degree, I surprised myself that I actually got some great marks but I was even more surprised to find that I didn't have a passion for something that I always thought I wanted to do.

I've been thinking more and more about my blog and so this morning after school drop off I thought why the hell not! I don't know if anyone will read it, I hope you do.

I still want to post about fashion, food and home design but I also thought I'd add in a few anecdotes about my life as an expat.

2013 had it's ups and downs. We travelled a lot and I love seeing Sadie's face light up when she discovers new cities and cultures. My husband lost his job just as we were heading to France for the Summer but then he was given a fab opportunity here in Doha and we're nice and settled again.

Sadly I had my third miscarriage...on my birthday. It was so heartbreaking but out of those dark skies I saw blue skies again. I've realised that I'm actually quite content and happy being our little family of three. I couldn't ask for a better daughter. I always thought I'd have a big family, 2 boys and 1 girl in that order, to be exact.

Life doesn't always go according to plan, life is spontaneous whether you like it or not. So as my Mum always says "just pull yourself together and get on with it" and that is exactly what I plan to do.

Below is a little review of 2013. I'm calling 2013 the year of the hair transformation. I started off with long dark hair and I ended up with very short blonde hair! Change is as good as a holiday right?


  1. Welcome back!! What a lovely comeback post. I LOVE your new hair, it so stylish and blonde definitely suits you. Are you having more fun? xx

  2. I'm making it my mission to actually stick to writing this blog!! No more quitting! Loving being blonde and being short again. Now I just need a blogging conference in London and then I have a professional excuse to come and visit you xxx
