Tuesday 21 June 2011

Made My Day

I'm a busy little bee this morning. Packed 2 lunches, got my big kid and my little kid off to work and school. Had 15 minutes to myself to eat breakfast and catch up on E! News and now I'm off to run some errands and get ready for my birthday this weekend. 

I'm so excited this year for my birthday, not because I'm turning 33 (ahhhh where did the years go!) but because our great friends "The Irish Contingent" are arriving for a fun-filled weekend in Doha. It's going to be an action packed weekend full of food, drinking, swimming and I'm sure yelling and chasing after 3 kids 3 years and under! 

What has made my day today and it's only 9.26am is the fact that one of my brilliant and amazing friends who just happens to be a blogger has written a beautiful post today marking her 3 month stint in blogging. I've written about Grenglish before which you can see here. It warmed my heart to read Sarah's post today because I never realised what a big part I played in getting Grenglish off the ground. It just goes to show when you love and support your friends, they feel encouraged to try things that they never thought they'd do!

Sarah & I back in the day thinking that we were absolutely hilarious!

I haven't seen Sarah in 10 years - it's been a long time between drinks and thankfully we were able to reconnect through Facebook and now through blogging. I hope to one day soon be able to visit Sarah in London, meet her gorgeous little boy and husband and have some outrageous fun!

So anyway, that's just my little post today, it's put me in a fantastic mood and now I'm ready to face the dreaded desert heat! 
