Wednesday 13 April 2011

Spring on The Pearl

So I'm not sure if I've shared this with you but I've enrolled myself in a photography course. It's a beginners course I study online through a studio based in LA.

I'm having so much fun. I've always loved a good photo, either posing in one or taking them. About two years ago Mr D bought me one of those flash SLR's with all the buttons and gadgets and since the day I got it I just put it on auto and started clicking away. Now I got some lovely photos out of the auto button but really what's the point in having a super duper camera if you're not going to learn how to use it. So that's where I am today - doing a 4 week basic course on digital SLRs.

My assignment this week was to shoot using the rule of thirds which basically means don't put your subject in the middle of the shot...too boring!

So yesterday I took my best Doha gal pal Mrs Forde down to The Pearl for a bit of a spring fashion shoot. We had a blast pretending we worked for Vogue, Cath let loose and was posing like a super model and I had a ball playing photographer.

It's all very technical and complicated and I'm not very good but I am having so much fun and learning something new and that's what is important!


  1. Hi Sarah! Good on you! I am taking a photography seminar this weekend! It's a revelation actually. You have just described exactly my predicament as well. A fancy camera too that I was using as a point and shoot only. I started to feel ashamed! Looking froward to following your expat blog!

  2. Hello! The photos are amazing! I really liked the natural & chic look on Katherine, and the photo itself is very good! Congratulations!

    P.S. I love the new blog too.
    (By the way, it´s Maria, your neighbour)

  3. Hi Maria! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
