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Tuesday 12 April 2011

Must Read Blogs

It's been a year since I started blogging. What started off as a cooking blog has turned into more of a lifestyle blog where I get to share my love of fashion, food, interior design and anything else that gets my creative juices flowing.

I've become obsessed with blogging, I love figuring out what I'm going to write each day but more than that I love reading other peoples blogs. I have my daily favourites which I check each and every morning and there are two in particular that you my readers should have a gander at.

Grenglish is a new blog series written by a dear friend of mine about her life living in London with her Greek husband and gorgeous son Zachy. Heartwarming and funny Grenglish makes you feel warm and fuzzy with each entry and I have a feeling this new blog is going to be BIG! A definite must read!

Now moving on to St Murphy an absolutely HILARIOUS blog from my old work colleague Steve Murphy. I first met Steve when I joined Network Ten as the PA for the publicity department and Steve was a publicist extraordinaire! Steve introduced me to all things homosexual where it got to the point where I think I actually became a gay man trapped in the body of a woman - I still am really! Steve is an amazing advocate for gay marriage and if you don't believe in gay marriage well then you can just stop reading my blog now as I don't want to know about you!  St Murphy is an amazingly funny read but also touching and heart warming when Steve opens up about his personal life.

Everyday when I read their blogs I'm thrown back to about 10 years ago when we all lived in Sydney, when we all drank too much and partied too hard! Every time I mash potatoes for dinner I think about Steve and I performing whenever we could to the Elephant Love Medley from Moulin Rouge and when I'm having a bad day here in Doha and wish I could be amongst my old friends who know me too too well I think of Sarah and all the things she would say to me to make me feel better.

We haven't seen each other in ages but I feel like the old friendships are still there because I get a glimpse into their life on a daily basis.



Mrs Woog said...

Steve Murphy Rocks! Even his washboard tummy xx

Anonymous said...

I love the pic of you singing into utensils. It's not done nearly enough!

Smudgerella said...

Look how THIN I was! And BLONDE! Love it Palmie, what gorgeous things to say. Such a lovely post, I can't think where the time has gone.
Love and miss you much xx

Clarinda said...

Will definitely check them out, and follow yours.

Thomo said...

I miss and love those days. And love reading all three of your blogs!