Thursday 24 February 2011

Flying Fashion

I don't really like flying, not because I'm scared, just because I get bored and I want to be there already! What I do love though, is a good airport! I love people watching, trawling around duty free and just that feeling of excitement knowing that you're going on a trip!

Living overseas, we tend to travel frequently, either heading back to Australia to visit or going on holidays or even just a little weekend in the UAE. I always start out with the intention of dressing ultra chic for a flight but when the time comes I prefer comfort over fashion and end up in leggings and an oversized shirt.

These style mavens have it down pat for travel! They don't look like they've been sitting on a plane hour after hour! Most likely they've been in the luxury of first class....or even better a private jet! Oh how I dream of flying in a private jet! One day day....

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