Monday 28 February 2011

And the winner is...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Oscars. I'm a huge fan of the movies, I would go and see a movie every day if I could. What I love about the Oscars is that in one room you have the creme de la creme of Hollywood, the up and comers, the beautiful speeches and most importantly the fashion!

Here are my picks for the best dresses of the night.

I think the biggest trend of the night was metallics and pastel colours. All the ladies looked very feminine and age appropriate.

Who was your favorite of the night? I can't decide between Mandy Moore, Michelle Williams and Mila Kunis, I'm edging more towards Mandy Moore as my fave dress of the night.

Now I have to wait another year until award season rolls around again and I can't wait!

Sunday 27 February 2011

Cool Couple

I wanted to share with you what I think is the best ever home movie! My friend Alexa is married to a professional photographer and Mark makes the most amazing home movies! This is my favorite... What a cool couple!!!!

Check out Alexa's blog at

Saturday 26 February 2011

Doha Food Festival

During the winter months, Doha really comes alive. There are plenty of exhibitions, festivals and sporting events. Today we ventured out to the Doha Food Festival. All of the major restaurants in Doha had stalls selling all of their fabulous, mouth watering food for a fraction of the price! We munched on dim sum, belgian fries, cheese croquettes, sushi, pulled bbq sandwiches, cupcakes & ice cream! I do not need to eat for another week!!!

Thursday 24 February 2011

Flying Fashion

I don't really like flying, not because I'm scared, just because I get bored and I want to be there already! What I do love though, is a good airport! I love people watching, trawling around duty free and just that feeling of excitement knowing that you're going on a trip!

Living overseas, we tend to travel frequently, either heading back to Australia to visit or going on holidays or even just a little weekend in the UAE. I always start out with the intention of dressing ultra chic for a flight but when the time comes I prefer comfort over fashion and end up in leggings and an oversized shirt.

These style mavens have it down pat for travel! They don't look like they've been sitting on a plane hour after hour! Most likely they've been in the luxury of first class....or even better a private jet! Oh how I dream of flying in a private jet! One day day....

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Retreating for the Afternoon

*Image from Patterson Maker

I'm ashamed to admit it...but it's almost 2pm and I'm retiring to my bedroom! I had another round of hormone injections this morning and it really takes it toll on my body! So Lady Sadie and I are going to crawl into bed for a bit of day time TV, magazines and possibly a nap!

Tuesday 22 February 2011

All Hail Chanel

I remember the first time I heard the word Chanel. It was the 80's and I was with my Mother at her friends house. My Mum's friend had just purchased a new black quilted Chanel handbag and they were gazing at this tiny black quilted handbag like you would a new born baby. I remember thinking to myself wow this handbag must be really special.

Fast forward twenty years and I totally get it! I've been in love with Chanel for a good decade now. It started off with the makeup and perfume, slowly climbing to my first pair of Chanel sunglasses and a pair of earrings my parents gave me for my 30th birthday.

However, my obsession got out of control once we landed in the Middle East. I see at least 15 Chanel handbags on the arms of local women on a daily basis! No matter where you go you are bombarded with all things Chanel!

Whilst living in Abu Dhabi, I was very very fortunate to purchase myself a pair of classic nude Chanel ballet flats and a pair of gorgeous Chanel sandals with the iconic camelia flower on them. And recently I added a baby quilted black handbag to my collection.

I know Mr D. wishes his wife was not interested in all things designer but I just can't help myself! I adore accessories and am quite content buying my clothes from Zara, H&M and GAP so that I can afford the pure luxury of a divine handbag. The way I sell it to Mr D. is that these handbags are priceless and one day I can pass down to Lady Sadie..but seriously who am I kidding I plan to be buried with my little baby quilted handbag!!

*Images courtesy of iStock

Sunday 20 February 2011

I Heart Olivia Palermo

*All images from The Vogue Diaries

An American socialite, reality star, fashionista and I think one of the most stylish women out there. I absolutely adore everything about Olivia. Yes she was a bit of a bitch on The City but when you're that rich and that beautiful I think you can be!

I also love the fact that she sent a letter to the New York social set begging them for acceptance! The letter was promptly published on social network sites and law suits entailed! Whether true or not I kind of like that fact that someone that beautiful and seemingly so confident is begging for acceptance from such a peer group!

Anyway, love or hate her you have to admire her style. Classic, chic and a touch preppy. If I could have anyones wardrobe....and body it would be Olivia's!

Friday 18 February 2011

Happy Weekend

I hope you all have a glorious weekend! Today we are chilling at home before heading to the Old Souq to take Lady Sadie to the circus! Tomorrow it's a girly day - I'm going to be enjoying lunch at Maze, Gordon Ramsey's restaurant with two girlfriends.


Thursday 17 February 2011

The Love Seat

So Parisienne

Traditional, the cushions however give a modern twist, I love the vintage suitcases replacing the need for a side table

The eclectic arrangement of chairs in this room is genius

A perfect place for a love seat, it adds warmth the the entrance of the house

Traditionally known as a settee, I much prefer the term Love Seat. I don't think they really evoke a feeling of comfort but I do think they look amazing in the house. A love seat can add so much character to your home especially when styled with the right kind of throw cushions or blanket.

*Images from Traditional Home, Elements of Style & Cottage Haven Interiors

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Beetroot Dip

Beetroot dip is a middle eastern dish that is normally served alongside humous, tabouli and baba ganoush. Ironically, living in the Middle East, very few restaurants serve it! We ate more beetroot dip in Australia at BBQ's than we do here!

It is one of Mr D's favourites and they make is especially for him at the Ritz Carlton Hotel here in Doha however it's not like we can just pop off to a 5 star hotel every time he gets a taste for it!

As with all my recipes, this one is very easy to make and literally takes five minutes!

I serve mine with arabic bread but it tastes just as good with water crackers and brie. Actually as a sandwich filler this dip would be amazing instead of mayo!


1 x 450g canned beetroot (you could use fresh, but you would have to roast the beetroot first!)
250g or 1 cup of greek yoghurt
2 tbs fresh lemon juice
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground coriander
Salt & Pepper to taste
Arabic bread to serve

Combine all ingredients together in a food processor and blend until mixed well but not to a fine puree - you want some chunks of beetroot in there. That's it! How easy is that!

Monday 14 February 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

I'm not a big one for Valentine's Day - I believe you should celebrate love everyday BUT...every year when it rolls around, I get caught up, want flowers and want to be taken out for dinner!

Mr D and I have had some major ups and some major downs in our six years together but at the end of the day we have built a strong relationship made up of love, laughs, honesty and friendship. And most importantly together we are raising the most wonderful, beautiful, delicious little girl - our most precious Lady Sadie.

We have lived in 4 different cities and always looking forward to our next adventure together. Every time I hear this song I always think of us and so want to dedicate this to Mr D.

Happy Valentine's Day Matt, hope to always be your Teenage Dream!


Sunday 13 February 2011

Valentine's Day is a BUST!

*Image from Style Me Pretty

Mr D and I made a bet yesterday and whoever lost had to organise Valentine's Day. As usual....I lost! So I set about to find which hotel here in Doha was providing what seemed to be the most entertaining Valentine's Day. It turned out to be the Kempinski Hotel. They were putting on a 5 course gourmet meal followed by a live tango show and dancing for everyone afterwards.

However, upon making the booking I was informed that because it is Mohammed's birthday tomorrow the Government will not be allowing entertainment of any kind! So we're still going out for dinner, and thankfully we're still allowed to drink but my fantasy of being swished around on the dance floor will remain a fantasy until next year! 

Saturday 12 February 2011

Weekend Woes

I've had a terrible start to the weekend. I wish I could rewind and start all over again, but unfortunately I can't! Here's hoping that the rest of the weekend will be better!

An exciting opportunity for Mr D might be in our future which I'm SO excited about but can't divulge any details just yet...don't want to jinx myself!

I hope you are all having a better weekend!

At least the weather is absolutely sublime in Doha at the moment!

Thursday 10 February 2011

Manhattan Apartment

These photos have been doing the blog rounds over the last couple of days and I'm jumping on the bandwagon!

What an absolutely gorgeous setting. A rooftop conservatory makeover in West Manhattan owned by Joel Grey, father of Dirty Dancing star Jennifer Gray.

I just love the comfy relaxed feeling that this apartment offers and the light streaming in is just gorgeous.


*Images from Everything Fabulous