Monday 31 January 2011

Champagne and Cupcakes = Inspiration!

Hello Readers!

The Derrigs returned to Doha yesterday after a glorious two weeks in Sydney! The main event was a family wedding. My gorgeous brother in law Paddy married the equally gorgeous Ariel in a wonderful two day celebration! The newlyweds are now enjoying themselves on a romantic honeymoon in Tahiti! Jealous much?!?!

We got up to so much during our stay, the weather was sublime, the scenery to die for and a much needed catch up with family and friends.

I tried to see as much of my best friend Sarah as possible. While gossiping over champagne and cupcakes one afternoon, the talk of my blog came up. Sarah loves my blog, however, she is not a cook and has no interest in cooking and suggested that I add more to my blog than just recipes. She loved reading my blog for the stories and the photos but not so much the recipes! She was right! I have so many interests in, photography, cooking, interior design, movies, books the list is endless. So while sipping on our Moet we decided that my blog was going to become an Emporium of all things that interest me in life!

So as you can see, the look of my blog has changed slightly, as has the name! I'm still playing around with the template design, so bare with me! Jetlag is a bitch and I'm suffering severely with it today!

Sparkles Cupcakes in Surry Hills, NSW

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