Thursday 11 March 2010

An Introduction

Well here I am again! I'm an Australian Expat living in Doha, Qatar and a few months back while I was bored in my hotel room I stumbled across an article in a magazine about bloggers and became OBSESSED! So obsessed with bloggers that I wanted to start my own blog! So I did a few months back however I wasn't passionate about it so only managed a few posts before pulling the plug.

I've been at home all week with the flu and while contemplating life on the couch and watching the food network I came up with a marvelous idea! Start a cooking blog! I love cooking, I'm not a great cook by any means but I really enjoy it and I have a passion for food.

So here I am with my new blog named after my daughter (her name is cooler than mine!) and starting this weekend I will be working my way through my hundreds of cook books and food magazines to bring you my favourite recipes, some that I have cooked many times over and some that are brand new!

I'm sure there will be disasters and triumphs but I hope you'll enjoy the ride and hopefully be inspired to cook yourself!

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